Our policy

on fitting materials/equipment supplied by customers

We prefer to supply out own materials, in order to ensure that can meet our customers’ expectations of a high quality, trouble free installation.

We apply a mark-up to materials that we supply. This mark-up covers a whole range of ancillary services, which we appreciate are not always uppermost in customers’ minds at the time of the quotation.

We understand that when budgets are tight, it can be tempting to look for bargins online, and then to engage tradespeople on a “labour only” basis to fit them.

Whilst we are prepared to work with either system, experience suggests that it is important to be clear from the very start where potential pitfalls may be hidden, and where “money saving” may turn out to be a very expensive option. We regret that we are not able to accept any costs arising from delays, faults, incompatibility or other problems caused by materials supplied by others.

We provide good quality materials from reputable suppliers who offer enforced warranties and who have a track record of supplying good service. In our experience this greatly reduces project delays, stress and worry. We do not buy from online auction sites, or from the importers who advertise heavily on TV. All products are new and of first quality.

The table below illustrates some of the issues that our experience suggests may arise, and what the cost implications might be for you.

Service If we supply materials If you supply materials
Advice on suitable and compatibility with existing installation Free and comprehensive Chargeable at our standard hourly rate, within the limitations of the information that you can provide
Ordering and collections of materials Free Customers responsibility
Dealing with supplier in the event of problems Free Customers responsibility
Delays caused by late or faulty materials Free Labour charged at our standard rate in addition to project quotation
Attendance to deal with any faulty items out of normal hours in an emergency Free Chargeable at our standard hourly rate
Refitting costs of any faulty items replaced under warranty Free Chargeable at our out of hours rate
Damage to carpets, ceilings and other fabric of the building due to product failure We deal with suppliers, other trades and insurance companies on your behalf Customers responsibility